REAN Visits Asteven Group’s Renewable Energy Institute
Located at km 40, Lagos-Ibadan expressway is the new Renewable Energy institute of ASTEVEN GROUP.

As a proud member of our association, ASTEVEN felt the need to invite the executives of REAN for a walkthrough. And it was glorious.
The association’s President, Mr. Segun Adaju and the Executive Secretary – Mr. Godwin Aigbokhan – together with some few other members of the association were present at the inspection.

In an official statement released to other members of the association, the Executive Secretary had this to say:
The President visited the Asteven Renewable Energy Institute yesterday along with a few members. We are proud to announce the good works of our esteemed member whose facility will “change the game” for our industry. Asteven management invites all REAN members to take advantage of this training facility which includes (training and acoomodation) rooms, a Solar Simulator (The first of its kind in Nigeria; see picture below) and other world class facilities. The center is due to be launched in November and an invitation will be extended to all REAN members (and distinguished members of the public). The Executive Committee has also pledged to work closely with Asteven’s management in the area of capacity building for our industry. Once again, we celebrate the achievements of Asteven International and we are confident that we will continue to celebrate the company’s achievements well into the future.

As stated by the Executive Secretary; the RE institute contains world class facilities which would see to it that RE professionals can be trained and retrained within the four walls of Nigeria. RE education has just taken a whole new level in Nigeria! REAN sees a future whereby people do not need to spend thousands of Pounds, Euros and Dollars to acquire top-notch RE education abroad. Renewable energy companies, enthusiasts and educational institutes across the country are hence implored to make good use of this opportunity.
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