Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria launched
At a recently ended power forum, industry leaders witnessed the launch of the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria, which will aid the country’s 2030 energy mix.
On Thursday, Nov 24, 2016, the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) was launched at the annual West African Power Industry Convention (WAPIC), its goal being to see renewable energy including solar, hydro, biomass and wind contributing 40% of the national energy mix by 2030.
REAN is an umbrella association for organisations working across the renewable energy spectrum within the country, including renewable energy enterprises, project developers and promoters.
The association is set to provide a strong private sector voice to call for policies and regulation, which catalyse the growth of the renewable energy market, and increase finance to the sector.
REAN President, Segun Adaju, commented: “At this critical time for energy and climate [change] we are delighted [that] so many renewable energy enterprises are coming together to support the launch of the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria.
“It is vital for the sector to have a united voice with which to call for supportive policy, financing and regulation.”
Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria to enable clean power
Adaju added: “We hope that many more organisations will join the association in the coming days and weeks, and join our efforts to ensure that all Nigerians can access clean, safe power.”
According to the association, 96 million people in Nigeria lack access to energy, by far the largest number of any country in Africa. Although Nigeria’s grid capacity is over 12,000MW, only 4,500MW is available due to a chronic lack of investment.
Decentralised and renewable energy solutions provide a fast and affordable way to increase power generation and energy access, REAN highlighted.
Greater support for renewable solutions is also critical for meeting the country’s ambitious climate goals, set out this month at COP22.
REAN’s members manufacture, install, maintain, sell and finance an array of renewable energy solutions, from rapidly deployable decentralised technologies including household solar, renewable mini-grids and off-grid irrigation systems to larger grid connected solutions.
The growth of REAN has been supported by its founding members, as well as national and international organisations including the Nigerian Economic Summit Group, National Competitiveness Council of Nigeria, Heinrich Boll Foundation, the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association and Power for All.
Source: ESI Africa – Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria – launched