Motunrayo Akinfala
Motunrayo Akinfala is a Sustainable Development Professional with years of excellent project management experience across the hospitality, IT, communications, environment and non-profit sectors. Prior to joining REAN, Motunrayo worked as a Sales & Marketing Executive at an international hotel where she impressively expanded the annual revenues by forging partnerships with local and international organizations including the US Embassy, OSIWA, Heinrich Boell Stiftung, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), DevTech, Population Council and the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). She joined REAN on her successful completion of the Migration for Development (PME) program organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). At REAN, she is primarily responsible for proposal development, planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of project activities. Motunrayo ardently believes that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires an all-inclusive approach where everyone is willing and enabled to strategically play their part.