
Sosai Renewable Energies Co. CEO, Habiba Ali, listed on AWP Network Power List

Sosai Renewable Energies Co. CEO, Habiba Ali, listed on AWP Network Power List

The AWP aims to encourage more African women with powerful voices  who will continue to create programs and policies that support the development and growth of African women and girls. In recognizing African women with powerful, inspiring, and influential voices, the AWP has released a list of 40 African Women. Among these 40 women is Habiba Ali, a pioneer in…

REAN projects Solar works, Save money (SWSM)

REAN projects Solar works, Save money (SWSM)

Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) is pleased to be at the forefront of activities promoting the growth and development of the renewable energy industry. Having regularly arranged or collaborated on awareness and capacity building programs, the most recent is their forthcoming webinar to launch a solar energy information portal. The ultimate goal is to…

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Light up Kwara (LUK) Entry Wins World Bank prize

A photo of the Kwara State Government’s Light up Kwara project which had one of REAN’s members – RUBITEC SOLAR – as project developers has won the 2017 prize of the 2017 World Bank Global Platform for Sustainable Cities Photo contest. The picture submitted by a Kwara based Reporter/Photo Journalist, Eyitayo Oyelowo, was selected out of more…

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Seedstars & Enel Announce Partnership To Create The Africa Energy Prize

Partnering with Enel will give Seedstars a unique opportunity to reward tech startups striving to tackle the African continent’s energy challenges. The energy sector of sub-Saharan Africa is not yet able to meet the needs and aspirations of its citizens, with almost 600 million people lacking access to electricity. Only seven countries — Cameroon, Côte…

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REAN Visits Asteven Group’s Renewable Energy Institute

Located at km 40, Lagos-Ibadan expressway is the new Renewable Energy institute of ASTEVEN GROUP. As a proud member of our association, ASTEVEN felt the need to invite the executives of REAN for a walkthrough. And it was glorious. The association’s President, Mr. Segun Adaju and the Executive Secretary – Mr. Godwin Aigbokhan – together…

Solar 101: The Basics You Should Know

Solar 101: The Basics You Should Know

In the last two decades, solar energy has emerged as a globally sought-after source of power generation to complement power supply from non-renewable sources. (Featured by: EmPower Nigeria – A weekly publication of Nextier Power, Supported by: John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Vol. 1 Issue 14, Oct. 11, 2017) Nigeria is specially placed at an…



On Monday, October the 9th, 2017, the REAN team led by the President – Mr. Segun Adaju made an advocay visit to the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) to discuss issues which were of paramount interest to corporate members of the association, especially with regards to REA’s recent declaration of opening for 2017 capital projects. The REAN team…

Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria launched

Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria launched

At a recently ended power forum, industry leaders witnessed the launch of the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria, which will aid the country’s 2030 energy mix. On Thursday, Nov 24, 2016, the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) was launched at the annual West African Power Industry Convention (WAPIC), its goal being to see renewable energy…